
Notas sobre etnocidio

Published 1976-01-01

It is a word recently coined by analogy with the less recently invented word genocide. The latter has had a very precise meaning: the deliberate destruction of the Jewish race, a task undertaken by Hitler in the territories he dominated. In the United Nations Convention, genocide has been described as a crime worthy of punishment. However, raising accusations of ethnocide in the United Nations has sometimes served to gain political positions, so that the term has lost its value. It was widely used in the Nigerian civil war, when the Biafrans used it against their enemies. However, it could have been more correctly applied to the case of the Tuareg, where men have been deliberately exterminated and left to starve to death, while women and children have been absorbed into the majority population of the African states.


  • Etnocidio,
  • Colonialismo,
  • Capitalismo,
  • Genocidio

How to Cite

Mair, L. (1976). Notas sobre etnocidio. Nueva Antropología. Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 1(3). Retrieved from https://nuevantropologia.org.mx/index.php/revista/article/view/etnocidio-lucymair-vol-1-num-3-1976